Korea's only other starting expansion directions are Ming and Japan, the former which requires another stability hit to cancel tributary status with, while the latter is far more powerful due to its vassal swarm and better ideas/religion. This means that Korea can no longer utilise military tech 4 to challenge the far more militarily powerful Manchus (who can also ally each other, compared to the religiously isolated Korea). The last update buffed Manchuria immensely, while also making Korea start off with a 5 year truce with it's only non-Ming neighbour Jianzhou (with no historical basis). 'Oh you can either not declare wars (in a game of wars and conquest), or you get -20% clergy loyalty out the gate cause why not.' Sure, you can revoke the privilege on 1444, but what's the point in having added the 'privilege' then?
Korea is now the only country in the game that can take stability hits upon declaring normal, non-no-CB wars. The justification for doing so was that 'Korea did not expand much historically due to its Confucian values.' (Ming, the only other Confucian country in the game, did not receive such a nerf) For people who haven't noticed yet, the 1.30 update gave Korea an estate privilege that makes them take a stab hit every time they declare war.