Action Dad: After the events of Liquid Ocelot's war Rose returns to visit Raiden and reveals that the son she had with her was his.Think of an electric turkey cutter shaped like a sword which goes really fast.
Despite all of this, Raiden was hated by many fans due to wanting to play as Solid Snake and feeling ripped off that Raiden was never mentioned in box art, trailers or promotional materials. He then learns that his father figure, who personally molded him into said Enfant Terrible, is the game's main antagonist, Solidus Snake, who he is then forced to kill. Near the game's climax he discovers that he is a former Child Soldier, and has killed a massive amount of people in the past, causing him to deliberately repress his memories of it (though the effect was made worse by his Nanomachines). and pretty much everyone else, and is just generally put through hell for the majority of the game. He is the main operative of the Big Shell Incident, where, under the command of Colonel Campbell and his girlfriend Rosemary and aided by the mysterious Iroquois Pliskin, he is put under constant pressure, betrayed by Snake/Pliskin, Mr. Raiden is the main protagonist and Player Character of Metal Gear Solid 2 after the events of the Tanker Chapter.